Fab, Mad and Bad Addie

Wannabe Poet, bogus Prophet, wobbly Blob of Fat, cynical Kindred Spirit, angry Angel, Irony in Juxtaposition. Oh, and I'm IT illiterate too.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Bugger off!!

OK listen up buddies.

It hasn't been easy for me. I'm not in good shape. I have an ulcer under my tongue altho I drink 3 litres of water everyday. My eyes are drying out and I have to take them off contact lenses for awhile, which means I have to make new spectacles because my current ones are old and scratched. I went to the optician yesterday and she told me she I could only take an eye test if my eyes were off contact lenses for at least 30 minutes. I don't even have 30 minutes to spare without my eyes!! I was planning to get my eyes checked this Saturday, then come in to the office to work but now I have to wake up at an ungodly hour, hit the mall optician at 10.00am, then make it to the office by 11.00am because of an emergency meeting!

Mom keeps asking me if I'm going home on Saturday for lunch? Dinner? How about breakfast on Sunday? Dad will be back, can you come home for dinner?

And The Boss is another problem altogether. Her management methods and creative strategies (what strategies?) are stuck in the 80's and all she knows how to say is "So HOW are we gonna do this?" ... "WHAT are we gonna say?" And all the while maintaining this primadona stance that insinuates that we OWE her a bloody solution. In the first place, if she's not going to lift a finger and help with the presentations, reports and client liaisons, then she should just be gone, and I don't even mind driving to her house to get my paycheck signed, you know what I mean? Just don't pile your insecurities and incompetencies on me!

And you know who you are - I told you I'd hit the gym if I could! I'm still paying for it aren't I? And don't start about how "I won't see the real benefits" - I DO, and I have. But here's a consolation so you'll sleep easier tonight - I'm not giving up on losing weight. I haven't lost all hope and throwing it all away. I keep an eye on my diet like a bird on its prey. I've maintained my size. OK?

Start up your own ad agency maybe. And do the Client Servicing for 5 clients with deadlines due one after another. But it has to be AN AD AGENCY. And CLIENT SERVICING.

I'm sorry, my darlings V & F - that was a blow that was below the belt. Heck, I'm not even gonna ask you to understand because to you, I'm a loser. To you, it's typical Addie, giving up mid stream. To you, these are all excuses. So I'm not asking for your sympathy, I'm just laying the facts. And yes, I'm telling you to stop what you're about to ask me every single Mon, Wed and Fri.

I know I've been a whiner, complainer, ranter, bitcher. I know because my friends have tired of asking me how I am. I get it, folks, I wasn't born yesterday. So if you really don't want to hear me rant, then don't ask me how I am. Don't even talk or write to me if you aren't going to sympathise. I won't be nice, and that's not a good thing to look forward to.



Blogger Elly said...

dear addie,

hi! i don't know if u remember me, but i do remember u...i'm one of nel's friends who participated in nivea's focus group sometime ago..we also bumped into each other at zuraimi's wedding in bangi a couple of years back, ingat tak?

anyway, just wanna say that i hope things will get better for you real soon and all the best for 2007!:-) take care!

6:24 PM  
Blogger Leen AshBurn said...

OK, coffee, goss and hate-the-world sesh soon? I mean, seriously.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Adeline Gypsy Heart said...

Hello Elly! Yes lah of cos i remember you... but your name is different! LOL

Thanks for your sweet wishes. I hope it gets better for me too. I feel sorry for anyone who actually reads my blog because they'll think I'm such a beast...

Nice catching up with you! Now I'll be able to see what's going on in your life thru yr blog eh.

Sorry - save space and time. Part 2 of this messesh is for LEEN:

My luv, PUHH-LLEEEEZZZZZE CUM OVER TO MAH PLACE!!! Erm... Liza's place actually. We've already had a couple of gurl's nites out with crying crying DVDs, bimbo chick flick moowies, supermarket food, breakfast of leftovers and savage rummaging of my wardrobe. Just make one weekend free then you make reserwashen wif the caretaker (i.e. MOI) then she will bukak gate for you when you come lah.

Bringing your own mattress would be a good idea tho.


7:25 PM  
Blogger Leen AshBurn said...

WHY YEW NEVER TELLL MEEE ONEEEEEE! Yes to girlie girl session, pretty pleaaaaseeee!

7:50 PM  

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